Archive-name: benchmark-faq/part1 1 Introduction to FAQ chain and netiquette 2 Benchmarking Concepts 3 PERFECT Club/Suite 4 5 Performance Metrics 6 Temporary scaffold of New FAQ material 7 Music to benchmark by 8 Benchmark types 9 Linpack 10 Network Performance 11 NIST source and .orgs 12 Measurement environments 13 SLALOM 14 15 12 Ways to Fool the Masses with Benchmarks 16 SPEC 17 Benchmark invalidation methods 18 19 WPI Benchmark 20 Equivalence 21 TPC 22 23 RFC 1242 terminology (network benchmarking) 24 25 Ridiculously short benchmarks 26 Other miscellaneous benchmarks 27 28 References This is the 28 part Frequently Answered Questions chain post. Some information before the next 27 parts come at you. 0) If you are unfamiliar with NetNews, read this and a few other groups for a while before posting to get a sense of style. In particular read: news.announce.newusers 1) It is usually a good idea to read all posts, before responding. DO NOT ASSUME that other posters/readers exist in the same environment as you, or have similar opinions. For instance, some editors/news readers with line wrap really annoy those who don't have such systems. 2) Try to respond via email. i) A signature is useful because email doesn't always work. You are net naive if you believe it does. ii) Problems with email? Ask your system admin. 3) When you start to post: i) MINIMIZE CROSS-POSTS, EDIT Newsgroups: LINES. ii) IF YOU DO CROSS-POST, USE "Followup-To:" LINES. 4) When following up to a previous post: i) TRIM ATTRIBUTION: lines with ">" as the first character noting. Especially trim long signatures. You don't need them. ii) EDIT Subject: LINES. 5) Learn about other network resources: mail daemons, anonymous FTP, etc. It is not sufficient to simply queries when the FAQ exists and these other mechanism exist. 6) There is no rule #6. 7) Unless you are Gordon Bell, avoid flame wars. 8) Disclaimer: ..... 9) Tired of seeing this post? Learn about Killfiles. Oh, you are on a system lacking these? Good reason to switch to a different news reader and operating system. The Header above is specially constructed to note changes, etc. If you need to learn more about News, in general ask your system admin. What you are about to see is an experimental attempt at newsgroup self-moderation. It is that: EXPERIMENTAL. It has near equivalent control groups, measurements, etc. Each part is posted once a month for 28 days. Each part is supposed to represent the group's network memory. Each day is called a "panel." Each panel has a pointer (index) to other panels. A study has shown that most people will NOT read a post great than about 200 lines. One hesistates even to write greater than 1 "screen" lest one get ignored. News.answers cross-post: a special moderated group for FAQs. Read n.a. if you want to get FAQs. N.a. readers: only the first panel of the chain is posted to n.a., read comp.benchmarks for the rest. ^ A s / \ r m / \ c h / \ h t / \ i i / \ t r / \ e o / \ c g / \ t l / \ u A / \ r <_____________________> e Language n.a. Testing, hope this works.....